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        The Google Write a Story Page, the Google Write a Diary Page, and the Google Make a Drawing Page can also be presented as Annex or the new When the subject and viewers go to all these pages they would see as many Google Rectangles, showing the subject's works (Diary, Story, Drawing, Blogs), as the chosen design of the subject allowed to display (it could be spread on many sub-pages.... example the first, second, and third sub pages of the Write a Story Page). The subjects and the viewers could just enlarge or reduce the Google Rectangles for better viewing of any or all of the finished or published works. The subject has to log in again through the same album password or another password (which may or may not be the same as a password) to be able to write or draw or edit (or by simply clicking on a Google Button). All the subject's Google Rectangles on display would then turn into his Google Dashboards (any number). The subject would then chose which Google